Fixer Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Holland)
“The Most Dangerous Town on the Internet” passed 1,5 million views!
Haven’t seen it yet? Check it out here:
Fixer Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Holland)
Fixer Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Holland)
“The Most Dangerous Town on the Internet” passed 1,5 million views!
Haven’t seen it yet? Check it out here:
Fixer Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Holland)
SMART CITIES 2.0 premieres March 4 2017.
A Very! Singapore production brought to you by Channel NewsAsia across 62 countries in Asia and The Middle East.
CNA – Smart Cities 2.0
“And it might just be that the last episode has a city with a lot of water, bridges and some windmills in it … just saying”.
SMART CITIES 2.0 featuring Jason Pomeroy.
Check out the trailer here!
Trailer Smart Cities 2.0 – Fixer Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Holland)
Fixer | Field Producer in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Holland)
OTBT Productions